I recently returned from a mini-vacation in Fairbanks, where I was happy to fit in a visit to the comic shop. I asked the owner what new title I should be reading, mentioning the fact that I enjoy Y:the Last Man and Fables. He recommended 'The Unwritten' from Vertigo comics.
'The Unwritten' follows Tom Taylor, the abandoned son of a famous children's book author. Tom's father has written a very Harry Potter type series that follows the main character Tommy Taylor who is obviously fashioned around Tom. After Tom's fathers disappearance, Tom does the convention circuit, playing it off like he is the character from the books. This has its disadvantages though, as fans compare Tom too closely with the character Tommy.
Soon, a scandal develops, hinting that Tom is actually Tommy made real in the flesh. Tom must now search for his true identity and strive to make sense of his weird life. So far its a fun read.
What comics are you reading? Send me your suggestions on what I should pick up on my next visit to the comic shop!
(image from
Vertigo Comics )